Friday, August 6, 2010

Ciera's diagnosis.. the start of it all

I found out back in may that i am pregnant with baby 6, a few weeks ago her father and I broke up. We are trying to work on being friends right now. But on to her update.

On Aug 3rd i went to a local 3D/4D Ultrasound place, just for fun and to see if i could find out if the baby was a boy or a girl. Well she was very stubborn and turned to face my back but completely adorable when we saw her pretty little face for a few seconds. And of course her hiney is cute to. I kept seeing something on her tummy but figured if something was wrong she would have said something, turns out she couldnt she isnt allowed to diagnose. The lady that runs the place got on the phone right away to my OB, she told him that during my exam she saw a defect and sent him a disc of my pictures. The dr's office called me on Aug 4th and told me that something was found and i needed to come in the next morning during walk in. They said that i may have to see maternal fetal medicine which is the high risk dr's for problems i knew then that something was very wrong and i was scared to death.

On Aug 5th i went to my OB's office, my good friend Katie went with me since the baby's father didnt come, she didnt want me to get bad news alone. As soon as i sat down the dr asked me what i knew so far. I told him i hadnt been told anything, he said well from the pictures what do you think. I said well their is this thing on her belly and i know it shouldnt be there. He said I was right, it is called Gastroschisis which is the long name for her intestines are outside of her belly. I just sat there scared thinking what will i do now, how will i handle this. I was very scared and am still scared but talking to people who have been through this and reading alot. I have an appt for a level 2 ultrasound on Aug 26th and then i will go talk to the Peri and get counseled on what this all means and what will happen from here.

Basically as soon as Ciera is born they will take her straight to the NICU team, she will be placed in a sterile plastic bag that will go up to her chest that will keep her warm and keep germs off her organs. Then she will be taken to the NICU to be stabilized and they will be able to tell from there if she can have surgery to replace her intestines in her belly that day or if it will take a few days and the help of a "silo" to get them back in her tummy. Then it will be time for her to heal and learn to eat and be able to get better and that part may take a bit of time. She will probaly be in the hospital from 4-12 weeks or more from what i have read. It will be so hard to go home and leave my baby girl in the NICU but its where she will need to be.

Im scared to set up her nursery and feel like shopping for her now is going to jinx things, Chris says i have to stop thinking that way. I need to think of a good outcome so that we are ready for her when she finally does come home.  It is scary but i need to do it and work on my being scared. I need to be strong but im so tired of having to be strong all the time but i know i need to be.

Mabye if things were different between Chris and I right now this would be a slightly easier thing to deal with, we have this huge rift between us and i really cant even lean on him for the support i need so badly but im glad i have wonderful friends to lean on instead.

Ciera will be coming early, somewhere between 35-37 weeks which puts her birth around Dec 19th and Jan 2nd i guess.. that is where things stand right now. I guess i will update when i have news to update with.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you have to go through this medical issue without a solid man at your side. I'm even more sorry that Ciera will be dealing with more at birth than most people (like me) have dealt with their entire lives. I can't wait to hear how the next u/s goes. I hope things don't look as severe as they sound.
